
#TMFestivalFriday: Going Green

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With festival season underway, we wanted to take a minute to remind you of some important things to keep in mind while enjoying yourself at a festival. This week we want to focus on keeping it green, in other words, looking after the environment.

  1. Don’t throw your cups on the ground!
    It’s easy to just toss your plastic cup aside when you’re finished with it, but you really shouldn’t. There are bins everywhere, especially near food vans. Keep your cup for a few more minutes and throw it away when you find a bin. If you see recycling facilities, use them correctly, don’t mix paper and plastic!
  2. Bring home your tent.
    If you’re camping don’t leave your tent at the festival when it’s all over. Why spend money on something you only use once? Think of your future self who will thank you for not having to shell out more money for a tent next year.
  3. Reduce what you bring with you
    The less you bring, the less you will be tempted to leave behind. Try to avoid brining excess plastic along with you, and if you do bring it, just take it home with you.
  4. Use public transport
    Reduce your carbon footprint by taking public transport to the festival, if public transport isn’t available, check locally to see if any company has organised a private bus. If that’s not an option at least try and carpool with your friends.
  5. Bring your own water bottle
    A lot of festivals will have fee water points dotted around the site. The easiest thing you can do to look after the environment is to bring a water bottle that you can refill. This will cut down on the amount of plastic water bottles being thrown away over the weekend.

You’ll be helping a lot of people out by being conscious of your surrounding. Keep it green, if not for the people who must clean up after you’re gone, think of the wildlife whose home you’re invading for the weekend.